High-performance private servers

Deploy popular applications on our supercharged virtual servers for all your infrastructure needs

High performance SSD servers powered by KVM

We offer powerful and easy to use private servers by building our servers with state-of-the-art components, we have unlocked truly breakneck speed

Hosting for SMBs

Small and midsize businesses can easily host their WordPress sites without any technical skills

For digital agencies

Enjoy a hustle free website launching for a design & digital enthusiasts

Hosting for ecommerce

A reliable, powerful, and feature-rich platform with built-in scalability to grow with your ecommerce store

Hosting servers nearest to your desired location

We offer 60+ data-centers worldwide. Choosing a server nearest to your targeted audience reduces latency and improves page load time



Northern Virginia


Northern California


Supercharge your website with award winning support

Quantazone Cloud servers give your website improved performance, virtually limitless scalability, stronger security, greater control, and more flexibility

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 Fast load time

With top-of-the-line hardware, Varnish caching – which stores your site’s most used pages, and a globally distributed CDN, your site is served 2x faster

SSD hosting
SSD disks offer the maximum speed and reliability than traditional disks while accommodating modern websites’ demands
Built-in cache
Our built-in cache mechanism includes Varnish, Memcached, and Redis that enhance the speed of your WordPress websites
Control panel
All of our business hosting plans come equipped with cPanel so that you can manage with ease through the best management solution
 Resource management
An intuitive dashboard helps you keep an eye on the resources your website is using and its performance
Highly scalable resources
No need to move your hosting as your traffic grows. Ramp up your resources, RAM and CPU without a reboot
Data – safeguarded
Our industry-leading storage system stores your website data across 3 distinct devices to ensure redundancy and safety
Automatic failover
If we detect a hardware issue, we automatically move your site to another server, ensuring that your site is always up and you never lose traffic
One-click install

Built to support languages like PHP, Perl, and Ruby on Rails, our hosting plans include 1-click install of over 300 applications and scripts including WordPress, Joomla, Drupal, Magento

Performance oriented
Built in PHP 7, Perl, Python with ability to install additional modules. Uncompromised performance at unbelievable price
Optimized stack
Our stack includes Apache and NGINX as web servers, PHP and MySQL as databases for better performance
Full root access

Our servers allow SSH access to execute commands, manage files and reliably operate your hosting from a remote computer over an encrypted channel

Pure SSD
Gone are the days of SATA, our Virtual Hosting with pure SSD multiplies speed 10x & comes with hardware RAID enabled
Seamless performance

With KVM virtualisation infrastructure, we unlock truly breakneck speed with state-of-the-art components

Have complete peace of mind with our free migration

We’ll move your first website to Quantazone Cloud from any web host for FREE (without breaking your live site hosted on the old host), so you don’t have to worry about migration complexities & technicalities.

Find how we are helping businesses transform!​