
Staffing Outsourcing Hiring Resources Productivity Quantazone

Hiring professional staff with Quantazone will cost you a lot less than you think

Boost productivity with high-performance outsourcing

Quantazone is a combination of an exceptional staff, industry-driving growth that keeps you in control and conveys the highest level of efficiency, a positive work culture that motivates greatness, and a support team to get you the outcomes you need.

Staff Augmentation

Application Services  

Reach and expertise delivering customized technology solutions to clients around the world

  • Development
  • Application management
  • Technology deployments
  • Data management
Cloud Services  

Leverage the innovation we’ve built into our technology—from AI to streaming analytics

  • Cloud ops /Automation
  • AWS /Google cloud /Quantazone
  • Performance & security
  • Migration services
Infrastructure Services  

Gain asset visibility, empower efficient IT management quickly, and drive down the cost.

  • Data-center operations
  • Networking
  • Desktop support
  • ITSM consulting
Digital Marketing  

We connect brands with their customers in the moments that matter.

  • SEO
  • Content marketing
  • Paid search marketing

Run, and scale your online store with our highly productive eCommerce specialists

  • Shopify
  • WooCommerce
  • BigCommerce
Finance – Accounting  

Partnering with the accounting and finance experts can unlock significant value for your business

  • Procure to pay
  • Order to cash
  • Record to report

Add staff to grow your capacities!

We help businesses reduce their operational costs and streamline their business processes by providing professional “staff in the cloud” at a fraction of the cost of traditional recruitment

Be more competitive

Save up to 65% off traditional staffing costs and reduce staff management overheads with Quantazone in the present liquid business scenario.

Develop your business

Quantazone assists businesses in developing their team to meet their needs without the overheads associated with the traditional workforce

Save your time

Organizational developments can consume a significant amount of your key personnel’s time, preventing them from focusing on their primary responsibilities.

What we do, what you do!

You allot tasks to your team to set work processes, and Quantazone will deal with all other things, even month-to-month expenses.

Fulfill the need

We assist businesses in growing by providing them with access to exceptional staff at a fraction of the cost of hiring locally.

Remote work is easier than ever!

We use high-performing innovative tools to remove the difficulties of remote working to help both our clients and resources.

Save on labor costs with smarter outsourcing

Outstaffing process

We partner with your management team, hiring manager, or HR department to determine what you need to increase your capacity while maximizing your hiring budget.

Step 1.

Discussing staff needs & requirements

Let’s discuss your expectations and respond to your needs by determining which of them are within our means.

Step 2.

Selecting suitable candidates

We carefully review every resume on our list to ensure that the candidates we select will meet your needs.

Step 3.


Well, arrange an online meeting where you can interview selected staff members to determine whether they are suitable for your project. If candidates fail to meet your requirements, we’ll carry out another search for more suitable specialists.

Step 4.

Signing the Agreement

It’s time to confirm our cooperation legally and sign the agreements.

Step 5.

Getting started with the project

Get access to your dedicated team and have total control to accomplish all the tasks you need